OAS Alpine Badge


Outdoor Adventure Skills are one aspect of the Achievement Pathways program.
*The selected Stage level number will appear in the white space of the badge.

SKU: Alpine Category:


Alpine is considered a Specialist area due to its variable accessibility for members across Australia. Whilst Stages 1-3 cover generic alpine skills, Stages 4 and above stream into Cross-country Skiing, Downhill Skiing, Snowboarding and Snow Camping and Snowshoeing.

  • There are 9 skill areas; 3 core areas (Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping) and 6 specialist areas (Alpine, Aquatic, Boating, Cycling, Paddling and Vertical)
  • Each Skill area is broken into 9 Stages, with skills progressively increasing from 1 to 9
  • Only the highest Stage attained in each skill area is to be worn on your uniform.
  • These badges are across all Scouting youth sections (Joey Scouts to Rover Scouts), therefore when changing sections they should be removed from one shirt and sewn onto the shirt of the next section.


Additional information


Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5, Stage 6, Stage 7, Stage 8, Stage 9
